Profile PictureJennifer Blanchard

Write A Novel Crash Course

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Write A Novel Crash Course



How would it feel if someone left this review on your book:

Reviews like this are the norm when people read my novel, SoundCheck

And I can tell you this isn't a stroke of luck. I have a deep understanding of the principles of storytelling and a specific process I use to implement those principles in my own stories.

Basically, I know how to write stories that people want to read.

Have you ever written 25,000 words of a draft and then got stuck?

Do you have a clear idea of how your story has to begin and end, but the middle is always fuzzy?

Have you read every book on fiction writing and taken every workshop you could find, but you still haven’t been able to implement what you’ve learned into a cohesive, engaging story?

You’re feeling frustrated and blocked. And too often you find yourself watching Netflix or reading books instead of working on your own stories.

When you do manage to get yourself to show up to the page, you easily get distracted and end up self-sabotaging by wasting time on Facebook or checking email.

And after all these years of playing with story ideas in your head and writing first drafts, you’re still not where you want to be. Not finished. Not finding an agent. Not published.

If you don’t get a handle on this right now, a year from today you’ll still be in the same place – continuing to feel frustrated and one day maybe even quitting because you’ve had enough of the struggle.

Instead, imagine if anytime you got inspired, you had a process you could use to develop the idea into an actual story, and then create a story plan, with structure and, scene-by-scene roadmap you can use to write your first draft.

And not just any first draft, but a first draft that contains the bones of your story, and that’s a revision and edit away from being self-publishable or ready to submit to agents and publishers.

And I've put everything that I know and have learned from spending more than a decade studying storytelling, teaching it to other writers, and helping hundreds of people write their own novels, into the Write A Novel Crash Course.

This ain’t no fiction writing 101 shit – this is deep-dive master-level shit that will transform your storytelling ability, allowing you to not only have a better understanding of story, but also be able to implement it in your own stories and have a repeatable process you can use over and over again for every story you write, forever.

The Write A Novel Crash Course Overview

Here's an overview of what's covered in each module of this course:

Video 1: Finding Your Story Idea, Concept, Protagonist Goals, Plot, and Timeline

Video 2: Character Arc, Character Development, and Story Theme

Video 3: Secondary Characters and Subplots

Video 4: Story Structure and Story Beats

Video 5: Scene Planning, Story Roadmap, and Point of View

Video 6: Writing Your First Draft

Bonus Video: How To Deal with the Things that Stop You From Writing, Finishing, or Hitting Publish On Your Novel

Plus, you also get my personal story planning workbook, the one I use with every single story that I write. I won't write a single word of a first draft until I can answer every question in this workbook, and I recommend you do the same.

This Course Is Perfect For You If You...

  • Don't want to waste yet another year writing a draft you can't do anything with
  • Get stuck in the middle of the story and never know what to do from there
  • Desire a process that allows you to take your idea, flesh it out and turn it into an actual story with structure and a scene-by-scene roadmap you can use to write your first draft (plus, a repeatable process you can use over and over again)

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